The paper mainly studied the effect of Hg 2+ on external morphology, chlorophyll content, activity of peroxidase and nitrate reductase, soluble protein et al physiological index of Nymphaea tetragona Georgi. 主要研究了Hg2+对睡莲的外部形态及叶绿素含量、过氧化物酶活性、硝酸还原酶活性、可溶性蛋白含量等生理指标的影响。
The ultrastructural damage of Hg 2+ to the leaf cells of Nymphaea tetragona Georgi under the condition of simulated Hg 2+ pollution was observed with electron microscopy, Mainly to the cell nucleus, chloroplast and mitochondria. 用透射电镜观察了不同浓度梯度Hg2+对睡莲[NymphaeatetragonaGeorgi]幼叶细胞超微结构主要是对细胞核、叶绿体和线粒体的的损伤情况。
Ultrastructural Damage of Hg~ ( 2+) to Leaf Cells of Nymphaea tetragona Georgi Hg~(2+)对睡莲幼叶细胞超微结构的损伤